Today I start my blog about the project “Pillars of freedom” which I will run over the next 14 month until Novemeber.9 2017 the day when all realized Pillars of Freedom will be linked together to one important statement to engage actively for Freedom by living the values and behaviors which are reflected in the sculptures, that will be finalized that day across Europe. On the website you get information about the project. On the buttom  “ Galley “ you will find one separate section for each artist, who will contribute to the project with pictures and the title of the sculpture.  Here we will document also the progess of each sculpture over the time of creation from the original material up to the final sculpture. On this blog you can follow the ideas and the thoughts of the artists while the process of creation. I hope I can initiate as much as possible art projects to build a strong and at the same time divers message about the “Pillars of freedom” as I believe we need to engage more.  Finally I would like to invite all of you to participate to the project by using one of the engagement and donation channels offered on this website. Let us build a powerful sign to save or gain a free and self determined way of living for as much as possible people in the world! 

Alfred Mevissen,August.24.2016